
Changing the Rules

Allow a teacher a firearm in the classroom so that when she asks for volunteers to participate and her students are scared,

he can take his firearm and force the answer out of me,

Allow a teacher a firearm in the classroom so that when she decides that I am not understanding at her pace, she can force a lesson into me,

Allow a teacher a firearm in the classroom so that when she disagrees with my opinion, she can obliterate me from existence,

Allow a teacher a firearm in the classroom and my dreams become my worst nightmare,

Allow a teacher a firearm in the classroom and everyone in the street thinks they have the divine right to protection with the use of a firearm,

Allow a teacher a firearm in the classroom and you fight for death,

Allow a teacher a firearm in the classroom and you have changed the rules,

A world full of doors and the one you’ve cracked is the gate to hell,

An Eye for an Eye,

A Tooth for a Tooth,

A Soul for a Soul,

And Blood for Blood,

And the fight Violence with Violence.

This is the message that we send to our students, to our children, and to this nation of unity. The message that we fight violence with violence, bloodshed with bloodshed, hate with hate, when in reality we could just strengthen these gun control laws. We send the message to other nations that “The Greatest Nation in the World” would rather death than bondage. We send the message that the stripes on our flags stand for bloodshed. We send the message that we stand not with liberty, but death.
