Netflix recently released the fourth season of The Crown, a historical drama following Queen Elizabeth II’s reign. The new season of the show drew in many new viewers from different age demographics. The creative interpretation of how these characters might feel in the situations portrayed in the show is one of the things that I found most compelling.
The season 4 trailer is what drew me into watching the show. The trailer gives you a glimpse into what’s happening this season and introduces two new characters, Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher. I was most excited to see Emma Corrin’s portrayal of Princess Diana in the show. Her portrayal was phenomenal, and it really allowed for me to connect with her and how the character was feeling. The drama highlighted the tumultuous relationship between Princess Diana and Prince Charles. One scene between the couple while they were in Australia with their oldest son William seems to be a promising moment that proves to be incorrect this season. It all but tricks the viewer into believing that this duo could indeed work out, but as the season progresses, it proves otherwise.
Another dynamic that we got to see was the political relationship between the Queen and Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s first female Prime Minister. We definitely see the ups and downs between the characters, but they worked so well together. Gillian Anderson’s portrayal of Thatcher really demonstrated the “Iron Lady” and we even got to see her most unguarded moment when her son goes missing during a driving rally. It demonstrates that even the strongest and confident people can have vulnerable moments too.
I really enjoyed the storylines this season and was kept intrigued the whole time. The ten episode season just wasn’t enough and I was left wanting more. I look forward to watching season 5 in 2022.