The museum called Color Factory is amazing. It was the best two hours I have ever spent. The Color Factory is located at 251 Spring St, in New York. The ticket cost thirty-eight dollars but with tax, it came out to forty-four dollars. The museum was very clean, each room had a push out hand sanitizer foam dispenser on the wall. This museum was not crowded at all and there was not much noise either.
When we walked in, my boyfriend and I were greeted right away. We were guided to check-in our coats. After we checked in our coats, we waited for someone to give us instructions on what to do for the rest of our time there. While we waited, we took photos of the “100 colors.” We looked up and saw a lot of different colors, even different shades of the same color. It was very cool.
We finally got information and we were told what to do. In the Color Factory, there are eleven different rooms. Each room you can play and participate in. The second room had a few kiosks and a qr code, so you have to register your name and email to your own qr code. So that means in each room you can scan your qr code and the photos that were taken will be sent straight to your email. After we signed up, we got to pick a macaron, there was a lot to pick from because they had a lot of flavors. I chose the vanilla, it tasted just okay.
In the next room, there were walls with different colors along with the matching button. We took a few pictures next to the green wall of buttons and the blue wall of buttons. I personally chose the green wall because I had on a green jacket and my sneakers also had some green on them. My boyfriend chose blue because blue is his favorite color.
The fourth room was my favorite! It was a room where my boyfriend had to go into one room and I had to go into another room. This activity allowed us to sit across from each other and put on headphones to listen to instructions. In front of us was a glass window, a paper and colored pencils. We had to color in the boxes, colors of our eyes, hair and our favorite color. After that, we had to take a pencil and draw each other’s faces without looking at our paper. It was very fun. The aftermath was hilarious. After we left this activity, in the next room we were treated to candy that matched the color of our papers from the last room.
The sixth room was fun but we didn’t really stay long. We played around with chimes to hear different sounds which were soothing. The next room had confetti all over the floor. There were three camera stations. We only had to scan the qr code for our photo to be taken and the camera was timed. It was set in five seconds. We hurried and picked up the confetti to throw up for our photo. We took a lot of photos and they all came out great.
There were pretty much a lot of rooms left but the last two were also my favorite! There was a room where there was a silent dance party with headphones. We took a lot of silly photos and boomerangs. The music that was being played was decent choices. The last room was a ball pit. The blue ball pit had fifty-thousand anti-bacterial balls. This room made me feel like a kid again. I laid there to relax and I even slid on a slide that took me right into the ball pit. After we were done, we were offered free gelato and a choice of prizes. We both chose air fresheners.
The one thing that I liked about the Color Factory was that their team was very clean. Each room had air purifiers. Seeing that made me feel very more at ease because you never know what anybody has and I still get very anxious about COVID-19. Color Factory is a must-do and I think I need to pay a trip once more!