Tiny Tina’s Wonderland is a decent entry into the Borderland series with its own Dungeon and Dragons twist on the normal system. Wonderlands was developed by Gearbox Software whose main claim to fame was the Borderland series and working on some major series such as Halo and the Half Life for their remakes.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderland begins with a complete character customization menu while previous entries had the player select a preset character to tell the story. As a person who has played Borderland 2 and 3 this was a welcome addition to the game. The game also takes more of the shooting mechanics from Borderlands 3, where the game is faster paced in the action and twitch shooter-est. The game also has a vast variety of guns for the player to use and with these guns a variety of boss fights as well and these are the strong point of the game.

My issues with Tiny Tina’s Wonderland are issues that have bled over from the original series of Borderland, it’s the characters. While people enjoy characters like Tiny Tina for how outlandishly crazy they are, the character is obnoxious and constantly got on my nerves whenever I heard the voice.

Overall, I’d say I enjoyed my time with Tiny Tina’s Wonderland, but as a person who doesn’t really enjoy the Borderland series that much this doesn’t change my perspective of the series as a whole. Especially since the game is going for 60 dollars or 70 for the PS5 id say wait for when this game goes on sale before picking it up.