Art / Poem


Gifted comes in two parts,

the first being a gift.

The gift, you are the gift.

Gift of being born, of this melanin.

Constructed and restructured, 

for greatness.

Greatness that is well put together,

like artwork.

Facial features that look like 

black gold pearls that glisten in the sun.

Like the waves that drowned your soul,

and refreshed your chiseled frame.

The sand with golden reflection,

of footprints that make their mark

from generation to generation.

Only if it can be framed.

Framed to remember, the long walks 

and march.

Framed to remember, that this 

melanin is strength and courage, 

it cannot break, because

we are gifted.

Gifted like paints splashed on canvas.

that tells a story of freedom, love,

color, new beginnings.

Gifted is mindset to write, books,

poetry, essays, prose.

Gifted that perseveres, the strong will

to keep climbing that mountain,

with pumping hearts.

Blood that pump through veins 

underneath thick skin, that sweats,

pores open to a journey,

 to a different place and time of victory.

Gifted, a six-letter word meaning triumph,

success, winner, achiever, oh

don’t forget a dreamer.

In that there’s a believer.
