We as humans are connected to nature spiritually. There are many ways that humans are connected to nature. People can feel it physically, emotionally, and culturally. People are often connected to nature as if they were a tree. We also connect with animals because they need nature just like we do. They need nature and the outdoors in order to live.
Trees and humans are very much alike and have an interdependent relationship. For example, we as humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. We get oxygen from trees turning the carbon dioxide we breathe out into more oxygen.
A lot of people feel closer to nature spiritually and can relate to trees. The connection between people and trees can be seen throughout the world within many cultures and regions. According to Living in Urn, “The Tree of Life or trees used as a symbol can be found throughout various religious texts. This includes the Tree of Knowledge and Tree of Life in the Bible, the Tree of Immortality in the Quran, and the Assyrian Tree of Life in Ancient Mesopotamia… among others. In addition, ancient people in Greece, Persia, and other regions commonly used the world tree motif symbol, which shows the roots of the tree wrapped around the Earth and its branches in the heavens. This symbol represents a tree which supports the heavens and connects the heavens to the terrestrial world, and, with its roots, the underworld.’’ Trees play a big part in religion and living on earth because people believe that once you pass, you get buried and go to heaven.
Trees give us a sense of place and connection to where we live, we use our eyes to remember places and landmarks filled with trees, to help us find our way. Living in Urn says, “Many people consciously or subconsciously remember a place they visited by what trees were present and can have a feeling or memory come to mind when they see a tree.” Trees play a big part in everyday life, we use them to help guide us through life and the world.
If you are interested in learning more about how humans connect with nature, Professor Christine Keller at SUNY Old Westbury has a class called, “World Religion East.” I had the privilege of taking her class last fall semester. In the class, I learned about how we connect to nature in many ways. One way we connect is through our dreams and most of the stuff we see, and experience comes in our dreams. Ever since I took Professor Keller’s class, I have looked at life in a different way.