
Your February 2024 Horoscope. Check your sun, moon, and/or rising. 

What the 12 Houses Mean in Astrology

Credit: Sweety High

About the Author: Caitlin Duffy is a New York based astrologer that brings over a decade of study to your horoscope. She has studied numerous charts, celestial movements, and has worked as an astrology expert. After thorough analyses of current luminaries, she writes an entertainment column where the star is you.


This month, the sun and Pluto sit in your eleventh house of friendships, outer community, and dreams. Pluto is a powerful planet that uncovers what is lurking in the shadows. This might sound like a troubling time for your relationships, but the sun here shines with optimism and good times. Celebrate community this month, new and old, with fresh perspectives and never before adventured terrain. Take your dream journal beyond its limits with what you hope, expect, and desire within your relationships.


You will begin the month thinking about your public roles. With transformative Pluto and a new moon in your tenth house of reputation, there might be an inspiration that comes out of nowhere on where you should go next. Thanks to an Uranus aspect, don’t hesitate when a little intuitive ring tells you to “just do it.” This will be a time to work hard and play hard. The more fun, bold, and exciting, the greater the rewards. 


Pluto and the sun will shine a light on where your own personal philosophies need revision. This month, you will be asked “What is your truth?” Answers will come naturally when you think about the abstract in tangible ways. You’ll be challenged to be flexible with your thoughts. Explore your theories between the shuffled songs on your playlist. 


Maybe Pluto is going to be raising the heat on your close relationships. The conversations might turn serious, but with the sun in the same sign, this will be for your benefit. Radically accept what is highlighted. When Venus and Uranus work in harmony later on, you might meet new acquaintances unexpectedly. This will be a coffee break from the initial intensity of the month.


This month’s yummy new moon and Valentine’s Day are adding the spice in your relationships. Show your interest with your most dramatic googly eyes. You are being challenged to be your most authentic self in your expressions of affection. If single, get acquainted with yourself the way you would a new crush. With your magnetism, you’re bound to fall.


Many of the planets in transit this month are expecting your sixth house. Being that this is the house of Virgo, it might be time to get in touch with your core values. A revision of what is given and taken by you and from you is just waiting for the question to be asked: Are you honoring your vessel? Get clear on what no longer sustains you and daydream about what feels like an exciting impulse for more. 


The planet of communication, Mercury, and powerful Pluto sit in your house of romance this month. Be open to deep discussions that just might stir the butterflies in your stomach. When your ears are ringing with excitement, it is a sign to go deeper. This house also rules over creativity, so when there is a new moon here, embrace your visions by starting a new project. It could be a joint venture as joy shared is joy doubled.


In all your scorpionic depth, you are reminded this month that a clean space reflects a clear mind. Wash off this paint or makeup brushes, clean those sheets, and try daily to get one thing off that housekeeping to do list backlog. You will find your spaces turn into a sacred place for cozying up with tea and a book, watching your favorite show, or taking that well-deserved winter depression nap. 


Open up the note’s app, create a new page, and title it “FEBRUARY GOODIES,” because you’re about to get some big intuitive hits on where your creativity will take you this month. Brownie points if you add a friend to the notes page and make your adventures a collaborative effort.


You are blessed at the beginning of this month with sensual Venus in your first house of self. You will be magnetic to people and opportunities that align with you. Anytime this month would be beneficial for revising your budgets and spending because your second house of finances is lit up with many transits. With a little classic Capricorn restriction, your definition of value will transform.   


You are the main character this month. As the two big planetary shifts transit your first house of self, you will radiate confidence like the light of the sun. Let this bold energy deposit sustain you as Pluto encourages you to transform the way you see yourself. Aquarius is the definition of unique: embrace it.


When luminary transits are in your twelfth house of rest this month, you will feel called for moments of isolation from the noise. Find a rain playlist to be your sacred space this month as you gently ponder how you can feel more rejuvenated throughout your day. The stars reassure you the break is well deserved.
