Entertainment / Poem / Poetry

Embracing the Path of Learning

Every day is a new lesson,

even when you think you’ve learned none.

Decisions, good or bad, teach us,

how to grow and move on.

Mistakes are not meant to define,

or to diminish our character.

Instead, take time to learn and refine,

and make your future brighter.

Think about the steps you took,

and where things went wrong.

Consider the different paths you could,

and you’ll soon be moving along.

Your purpose is your driving force,

the reason you do what you do.

Without it, you’ll be lost,

and won’t know what to pursue.

Passion is the key to success,

so, start doing what you love.

Don’t wait for others’ approval or access,

just focus and rise above.

Journalist, entrepreneur, or artist,

it doesn’t matter what you choose.

Just keep learning and growing in your quest,

and you’ll never have to lose.

The path of learning is never-ending,

but it’s the only way to thrive.

So, embrace it with open arms, my friend,

and your dreams will come alive.
