The administration recently announced that there will be free parking on campus.
It was recognized that the record enrollment this year and last year would create problems with available parking, according to the University Police Chief Steven Siena. “In the spite of fairness, the decision was made to temporarily waive the usual parking fees for our community.”
“It’s important to note that this decision applies only through the end of this current academic year, and will be reviewed again next summer,” Sienna said.
Before parking permits were $10 for the first permit and $5 for the additional permits for the same individual. Now that the parking permits are being waived, it must be a relief for the students who don’t have to worry about paying to park. It also means money being saved.
All parking regulations will still remain the same with parked vehicles. still needing to display their parking permits. Also, other traffic and parking rules remain in force and effect, including driving within the posted speed limits, observing stop and yield signs, and parking lawfully within marked, designated spaces.