Channon Smith, a modern day ‘flower child’ who exudes artistic expression, from her shaved boldly colored hair and unique wardrobe, her statement is presented without one word spoken.
This bold lease on life has given her an unconventional road to success. Smith is a 25 year old artist that has found a way to create beautiful works of art, teach dance and even squeeze in time for writing. Coming from a musically inclined family she learned the value of art and how it can touch people without knowing their story, letting them escape even if it’s just for a moment. Many people her age have chosen school before following their passion; Channon tried the conventional college root for a year with hopes of becoming a social worker but was unhappy and underwhelmed sitting in a classroom. Who she was becoming and what she was being taught made her feel stifled and drew her to her purpose. She still loves the field of social work and might return to school for it, but at this time creating gives her life meaning.
She is navigating this world through trial and error but enjoys every aspect her journey has to offer. The greatest gift of all is to be happy in the space your’e in even if everyone is against the person you want to be; You matter! Life has become her biggest teacher alongside the guidance of great elders and an ever growing support system, which allows her to perfect her craft and be happy with who she’s becoming. This multi talented artist has coined her new business as “Art In Her Language” which embodies every aspect of her outward expression. Prior to the pandemic Smith debuted her art work amongst other new artist allowing her to network and show the world who she is and what she has to offer.
When asked about her future and the person she thinks she’ll be her response was: “to simply be effective”. Most people hope for things that are tangible, so Smith’s response was quite refreshing to hear. “The cost of being an artist is expensive, but the investment in myself is worth it.” Said Channon.
The coronavirus has allowed room for introspection and creativity to flow without unnecessary distractions. Smith, has danced her way through life and leads three dance ministries. In order to boost moral and keep her dancers in shape and connected through this troubling time, she has implemented weekly virtual classes and monthly social distancing gatherings in the park and on the beach.By doing this, it gives the dancers a sense of normalcy by doing scripted routines and loved ones something to look forward to during virtual church services. Her art takes on many forms but the pandemic has allowed growth and innovation in a time of uncertainty.