At the height of the pandemic many of us were left afraid and dismayed by uncertainty, though the one the thing that kept us grateful and hopeful were our families; but what happens when worlds collide and too much time together causes another crisis to brew?
Families across the world have been sheltered in place for months with no sign of a true escape. Because Covid-19 is very much real and still present, our families are still primarily isolated with one another and the impending eruption of this dormant volcano seems to go un-talked about. While we all love our families, hopefully. Time together has heightened the parts of ourselves and our loved ones that bother us the most.
In the beginning of the stay at home order we were scared to loose the ones we loved, we clung to the idea of much needed quality time and made great memories amongst the madness. Causing us to assess our new normal and endure these trials together. But as the dust settled and weeks turned to months, many of us soon realized the importance of distance and the smoke on the horizon. People who once had a chance to take a break from one another are suddenly left annoyed, fed up and ready to run away and change their names. Pre- Pandemic, families weren’t together twenty-four hours out of the day; work, school, friends and activities allowed some breathing room. The routines that we created somehow made our lives move somewhat seamlessly even in chaos.
Personalities are suddenly colliding. Small issues are no magnified; eating someone else’s snacks without permission, the constant need to be in the same space or just putting a cup in a clean sink can send you right over the edge! Just think about it, we’re annoyed with each other and need time to regroup. Quarantine was a welcomed vacation for many introverts and extroverts alike. While being sheltered in place is an ideal atmosphere for many introverts the lack of social interaction that extroverts are used to can cause a bit of hostility between the two. An introverts need for space and the extroverts need to be engaged can cause a riff in a family dynamic with many different personalities.
If you’re anything like myself you know cabin fever is real, things that annoyed you before now infuriate you. Trips to the store become longer and hours parked in front of your home in the car, feel like a spa retreat. Although the love is there and the time together, is and was well needed, a break is crucial for the family structure no matter the age. No one is innocent when worlds collide. Too much of anything can make anyone a little crazy no matter how great you are. Learning when to let it go and take break is crucial in our relationships, the space gives room for growth and understanding making life together a little more enjoyable. Find your space and recharge a little, your family will thank you.