The disgraced former President of the United States, Donald J. Trump,recently spoke at the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), making his first public appearance since leaving the White House back in January. It went just about how you would expect, with Trump continuing to spew his beliefs that the election was rigged in favor of Joe Biden, and arguing that the Supreme Court “didn’t want to do anything about it.”
He also called into question some of Biden’s decisions, saying that school closures because of coronavirus should be discontinued. “There’s no reason whatsoever why the vast majority of young Americans should not be back in school immediately,” said Trump.
Going even further, media outlets seemed to think that Trump’s comments hinted at a possible run for the presidency in 2024. Given how he and his fellow Republicans have perceived the results of the election, it wouldn’t surprise me. And, no, ladies and gentlemen who are reading this, that is not a good thing.
For one, we are talking about a man who was so bad as President of the United States that he not only lost the popular vote twice, but, also, was impeached the same number of times, and even may have criminal charges pending against him. Not even Richard Nixon was this awful. Sure, he took part in one of the biggest scandals in American history, but, at least when he was caught, he didn’t have the gol to tell his followers to attack Congress. He just resigned because he knew there was no way he wouldn’t be impeached.
Also, this whole chain of events just proves to me that the Republican Party is more interested in protecting their agenda than doing what’s right. Specifically Mitch McConnell, who, after blaming Trump for the attack on the Capitol, turned around and not only voted to acquit him, but went on record saying that he would support him in another presidential run. This proves to me that the Republican Party only went against Trump to protect themselves, and the moment he became popular among a certain group of people again, they found it convenient to support him again.
Also, Trump continues to set a bad precedent by repeating his election fraud claims. What kind of message does this send to younger people who look up to this man? To me, this tells them that, if they lose at something, then they should not accept it, but, rather, they should fight it as much as they can, because there is no possible way that they lost fairly, and the world is against them. Some morals to teach the children of the world!
And, somehow, Mr. Trump, if he chooses to run in 2024, which looks very likely at this point, will be allowed to, despite the fact that he has proven time and time again that he is a racist, sexist, and condones violence, as long as it endorses his message. Can we just stop supporting people like this? It’s sending a bad message to not only this generation of children, but every single generation that comes after us. No wonder people say that America has lost its way!