Aries (March 21-April 19):
Welcome to your birthday season Aries! You’re feeling energetic this month, and wish to spend time with others. Plan some virtual hang-outs, or a socially distant in-person activity. Be cautious, and remember to slow down at times. Try not to wear yourself out, and get plenty of rest. Your increased confidence might lead to the discovery of a potential partnership, or a serious step forward in your current relationship. You may be feeling sociable this month, but you still crave for some time alone. Treat yourself by taking time to recharge. There might be newcomers in your social circle, as you engage in conversation with others. Your high level of energy and chattiness might lead from engaging conversation, to unnecessary arguing. Be cautious of how you communicate to others, and work on your communication skills. Remember to think before you speak, and try to compromise during times of confrontations. You might be shy, but there will be moments throughout this month that will push you out of your shell. Get ready to make some breakthroughs, and discover unexpected news. Your new magnetic energy will lead to positive changes such as new connections, business opportunities, and many more. However, that depends on you and the decisions you make.
Taurus (April 20-May 20):
Tauruses, this is a promising month for you. Remain proactive, and plan out your goals. March can be financially beneficial if you organize your finances and save. You might be placed in opportunities to display your leadership skills. Trust yourself, and your capabilities during these times. Remember to also enjoy the small moments in life, regardless how fast paced you life is. If you don’t already have a daily routine that focuses on managing your time and your physical well-being, then it’s time to develop one. Make sure to include a way to balance your work and personal life. This would ensure you’ll get the most out of each day during this month. Your social life will most likely be exciting, and build new connections with others. Remember to fulfill your creative side by taking time to focus on your creative outlet. Be prepared to handle some unexpected news, and always push forward regardless what challenges are in front of you. There might be moments your emotions will get the best of you by having you feel indecisive. This is a good opportunity to reflect on feelings that may have been ignored.
Gemini (May 21-June 20):
This month will include opportunities and risk-taking for you, Geminis. Your new confidence and determination will surely push you to take chances you normally wouldn’t. Don’t be afraid to take chances, and have your presence known. This is a good moment to focus on expanding yourself in your career, and maybe using the power of social media can help you achieve your goals. Remember to be true to yourself, and let others or yourself limit you. If you keep focused on yourself, you’ll certainly be rewarded and recognized for your efforts. Your increased energy might leave you feeling uncertain at times. It’s fine to be cautious, but try not to close yourself off from beneficial opportunities. There might be mistakes made along the way, but it’ll help you grow. You might be impatient during some circumstances, so try not to let it get the best of you and argue unnecessarily. Make sure to also focus on your finances, and any issues you may have, such as debt. Your social life will blossom this month, by reconnecting with old connections, improving your current ones, and introducing new people. Make sure that the people around you are worth having around. A supportive group is what you need in your life, and remember to stay focused on your goals.
Cancer (June 21-July 22):
Cancers, this month will present all things new for you. You might decide on making new plans for yourself in ways such as traveling, school, and your career. You may also find yourself improving a bond you have with a friend, family member, or partner. A new energy about you leads to new connections, and a more proactive mindset. This new spark you have may lead to restless nights, especially if you’re already a night owl. Remember that getting enough rest is important for your physical and mental health. As you embark on new opportunities, you’ll surely be rewarded. Plan out your goals, be cautious, but don’t miss out on taking chances that could benefit you. Also, make sure to create a balanced life, and don’t forget about spending quality time with others.
Leo (July 23-August 22):
Leos, this month may have some unexpected changes in your life. It might be time to let go of your current social circle, and enter a new one. Those you’re associated with might not be who you wish to associate yourself with anymore. You’ll feel the need to focus on yourself and your future. So you might find yourself taking time to reflect on your past, to then finally leave it all in the past. There are many things, and people you may be letting go this month. You seek new adventures to create new memories, which can present exciting opportunities. There might be some unplanned issues that need to be addressed, that can lead to arguments with others. This month will open your eyes to what matters the most to you.
Virgo (August 23-September 22):
This month will lead to some life-changing choices for you, Virgo. Surprising news and opportunities are headed your way, along with a chance to improve your current romantic relationship or start a new one. Try not to over-do things, and pack your schedule. Even though you might have an increased amount of energy and motivation. You sometimes attempt to complete as much as possible, but end up burning yourself out. It’s okay to slow down at times. Communicating with others does not seem to be an issue for you, however, you might find yourself getting impatient if others are not doing the same. Be patient with others, and the results will be worth it. Your finances also seem to be on your mind this month. Dedicate time to make a plan, and set a budget. Focus on your goals, and letting go of what would hold you back.
Libra (September 23-October 22):
This is a time of renewal for you, Libra. You might find yourself rethinking your everyday life, and what changes you can make to self-improve. Some unexpected news is heading your way, but your high-level of people skills will make the situation easy to handle. Since you are such a people-pleaser, you tend to over-do it and take on everything all at once. Regardless of your high energy personality, spend some quality time alone and relax. There might be some new opportunities heading your way, including a new romance. Balancing your work and personal life is important to you, so plan out your days. Your busy and stressful days might have you feeling emotional. For you to cope, don’t hesitate to let your feelings out when taking a moment for yourself. If you keep grounded, and focus on the important things then you’ll definitely thrive this month.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21):
Scorpios, you’ll be enjoying yourself this March. There will be new people and thrills introduced to you. Your optimistic mood will enable you to handle concerning situations you encounter. Focus on your finances, and take care of any issues such as debt. You might also have a fresh start in a new romantic relationship. Try not to procrastinate by organizing yourself, and completing your list of tasks. There may be moments of confliction with others, which will bring out your impatient side. However, through proper communication and set boundaries, there will be a positive outcome. Also, develop a better work-life balance, and designate time for yourself to recharge.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21):
This month is a good time to get certain aspects of your life in order, Sagittarius. You might want to change your living situation, renovate your space, and/or spend more time with your loved ones. Sometimes you tend to live in the past, so work on letting it go and focus on the present and future. There might be some tension with a close friend or partner. So try to be patient and understanding during this difficult time. You seek to make memories, and connect with others. Also, focus on what’s important to you by figuring out your goals and what inspires you. There might be changes in your social circle, since some drama may occur. You’ll mostly be focusing on yourself this month, but don’t hold yourself back.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19):
This month may test your usually logical mindset, Capricorns. There might be new and unexpected adventures presented to you. You can thrive financially this month, but only if you organize your finances, set a budget, and maybe look into investing. It’s also a good time to attempt to steer away from any bad habits you may have. You might find yourself wanting to make a change, but that requires you to take a leap of faith. Make sure to do your research before making any impulsive decision making. There might be some unexpected news, which can trigger your argumentative and impatient side. You are passionate and hard working, this can be recognized within your career but only if you remain focused. The results you get this month depend on you, and the choices you make.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18):
Aquarius, this month will have you experiencing changes throughout March. Your new energy will improve your problem solving, and communication skills. It’s time to organize yourself by planning your goals and ideas. Start by looking at your finances, and ways to manage your budget. You might find yourself hitting some bumps, but don’t underestimate yourself. You are capable of handling whatever comes your way. An argument of different opinions will be one of your hardships. The way you handle this difficult situation, is a test of your abilities to be diplomatic and navigate through conflict. If you stay focused, and pursue your goals, you’ll prosper this month.
Pisces (February 19-March 20):
You’ll be feeling more confident, and lively this month, Pisces. Your increased confidence will lead to new opportunities since you aren’t afraid to take action. Some of your goals this month might be to focus on your physical and/or mental well-being. Regardless of what it is, your new mindset will give you positive results. Controlling your finances is also on your list of goals. Try not to hesitate when making decisions, this could lead to lost opportunities. However, think things through before making impulsive choices. Also, let go of unnecessary baggage, it’ll only hold you back. This month will have some of your visions become reality, which will be very rewarding.