Photo Credit: YouTube Channel @Work Brighter
Energy management is the secret to full engagement and productivity. We must shift from time management to energy management. This means working more independently, choosing your own schedule, environment, and collaborators in many aspects of life.
Time management is a concept that is well established in our society, where labor never stops and where the golden rule of doing more with less is a fundamental part of it. We have a mindset of working around the clock and never ending our tasks. This is something that we feel because we think there isn’t enough time in a day to fulfill all our tasks, resulting in us to continue adding more tasks to our interminable list.
What would happen if we reframed our days (time) into energy management instead of trying to manage time? There isn’t a unique formula that teaches you how to be productive unless you learn how to manage your energy, and not your time.
But what is time management?
The Mind Tools Content Team defines time management as “the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities.”
But do you really have enough time to finish it all in only twenty-four hours? The simple answer is no, we add too much onto our plate, and forget that time is constant. There aren’t extra hours in the day, so there’s only so much that we can accomplish.
But if time management is everything, why do we still struggle to manage our time? Simple! The time management concept never worked because the mindset was that there was always something else that wasn’t done and needed to be accomplished. This mindset can cause you to accumulate an enormous amount of stress over time.
This is when the concept of energy management takes place. Many of us ignore this concept because we have been taught since we were little that time management is everything.
But do you know what energy management is and how to master it?
Energy management, “relates to more intangible aspects: the feelings one may experience, the sleep hours that one needs to be fresh, or the productive hours within the day,” reported Today Software Magazine. In other words, energy management is the idea of managing your work and your productivity around your energy levels.
And how do we manage our energy? You need to recognize how your energy levels fluctuate throughout the day. For example, if you are more productive in the morning, accomplish tasks that require your focus. When you’re feeling low in energy, you can do activities like walking, cleaning your teeth, or even checking your email.
Energy management requires you to take care of your mind, body, and soul by eating properly, resting, sleeping well, and maintaining a clean space. It’s also important to understand what drains your energy so you can replace it with healthier and more productive habits.
To master energy management, you need to learn about your energy levels. Energy levels refer to the times when you feel awake or drained during the day, and need to rearrange your tasks accordingly. This way, you need to estimate how long it’d take for you to accomplish a task and decide when it’s prudent to finish it based on your energy levels.
So… What are the steps to start managing your energy?
1. Conduct energy audits
Regarding productivity, some people are more active at night, some are active in the middle of the day, and others feel more awake at night. You need to pay attention to your mental health and practice self-care to really understand how you’re feeling energy-wise.
For example, some people struggle to wake up early in the morning, and they feel more awake at night. If your energy is low in the morning and high at night, you can plan to do your simple tasks in the morning and your more important tasks at night.
2. Identify your body’s natural cycles
After you conduct an energy audit, you need to look at how your body reacts throughout the day to identify natural rhythms and patterns.
3.Make all the necessary changes
Now is the time to improve or change your habits and routines to take advantage of your natural rhythms and patterns. Managing your energy and understanding your habits and natural rhythm can help you create a healthy, active, and more productive lifestyle.