Photo Credit: myhappydigitallifestyle.com.
Do you recall a time you got lost and you chose what you believed was the best route? And to make up for the lost time, you drove a little faster only to find out later that you had chosen the incorrect route yet again? And you came to the realization that the increased speed had just led you further out of your way?
Getting lost is a normal process that we experience in life as college students. But, sometimes that sensation of feeling lost makes us feel uncomfortable, and we try to choose what we believe to be the best route.
The problem is that we look back at all the times we got lost and want to recover that time, so we speed up as if that could help. We soon realize that we have chosen the wrong route again, and we speed up even more without realizing that speeding would not change our direction. It is only going to take you further out of your way.
Not knowing what you want in college is okay. You don’t need to have all the answers. It’s okay if you can’t decide which major you want to accomplish or what your next move should be if you are pursuing the major of your dreams.
Focus on finding your direction by finding what really passions you and makes you eager to learn more every day to grow intellectually and personally.
Speed is just fast.
According to an article from physicsclassroom.com, speed is “a scalar quantity that refers to how fast an object is moving.”
Speed also applies in college when students are rushing themselves to finish their careers as fast as they can.
Many students think that speeding in their careers and life just to get ahead of others is the most important factor. But, it is not. The more important factor is direction.
Some college students end up making the wrong choices and pursuing a career that is not the career of their dreams. They realize that they are going in the wrong direction, but they ignore it because they want to go faster to be ahead of others or simply to do something to satisfy other people’s expectations of them.
No matter how fast you are going, if you take the wrong route, you will end up tired and see no satisfactory results. You will find more pain and confusion than you had in the beginning.
Speed is just going faster, but it does not change your direction at all. You are just going to be further away from the route.
Direction trumps speed.
Direction is defined as “the path that something takes, the path that must be taken to reach a specific place, the way in which something is starting to develop, or the way you are facing,” according to byjus.com.
Direction is more important than speed. No matter where you are or how slow you are going in life, if you are going in the right direction, you will be satisfied.
It is better to take your time and be aware of what you are doing in case you want to change the direction of what you are doing. You will never end up with satisfactory results if you speed up and do not know the right direction in which you need to go. You will be forced to start over and over until you find your direction, and sadly, many students never find their direction just because they never wanted to slow down and search for their own right route.
Make sure you know the path you are going down is the right one to succeed and fulfill the career and life you always wanted.
A good lesson for life…
As a college student, you may want to check your direction from time to time to make sure that you are on the right route. If you notice that you are on the wrong path, you only need to stop, search for the right route, and follow it.
To succeed in life, you don’t need to go faster than others to please them. All you need is the right direction, and you can go at your own speed.
Remember that “your direction is more important than your speed.”