Intramural Sports and Recreation Coordinator, Scott Bickard, hosted a Rock Climbing trip on Friday, November 3rd at Island Rock.
As a freshman at SUNY Old Westbury, this is my first time attending this type of event. I always enjoyed rock climbing, so once I heard about this, I did not think twice about attending. I only went for the fun of it… I had no idea I would conquer a level 10 wall.
Bickard stated, “She beat my own record and climbed the first-ever level 10 wall in OW history–without even using real climbing shoes. In the video [posted online] she used only the orange holds to make it to the top. Many had little grip!”
It was very hard and I was stuck in an area for 15 or 20 minutes. My arms were numb, but I only wanted to reach the top. That was my goal and I did not want to give up. The support and kindness from other students really helped me, as well.
Bickard stated that the reason behind holding trips such as this one is to “give students the chance to experience something that is likely new for them.” He also hosts pitch and putt golf events to expand students’ horizons. These events are a way to give residential students a chance to get off campus and build meaningful connections with other students. They also allow commuter students to interact and engage with other students.
Bickard added, “I think it’s important that students gain a wide variety of experiences in college, so I feel like I’m doing my part by giving them a wide variety of athletic experiences. It’s never a bad thing to have basic skills in as many sports as possible.”
While for many students, trips such as these give them an opportunity to experience something new, Bickard confirms, “for other students, these trips are a chance to showcase a talent or personality trait that others might now have known they had.” Bickard states, “I start to see these students in a new light. I was very impressed by Evelyn’s grit and determination in conquering the level 10 wall. I’ve never seen that before on our rock climbing trips.”

Bickard concluded by saying, “I plan the trips, so they are, of course, activities I like to do. I am definitely open, however, to new trips where I am taking on more of the learning role. Always good to add new sports to the resume!”
There will be a few events held this semester. On Thursday, November 30, there will be a pong/pool Super Smash tournament at the Student Union Game Room with SGA/ CSLI from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The last event will be Team Bowling at Syosset Lanes from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. To reserve your spot and/or for more information contact Scott Bickard at: [email protected].