About the Author: Caitlin Duffy is a New York based astrologer that brings over a decade of study to your horoscope. She has studied numerous charts, celestial movements, and has worked as an astrology expert. After thorough analysis of current luminaries, she writes an entertainment column where the star is you.
On the first day of the month, Mercury will begin its retrograde in your sign. This kicks off a three-week period when your sense of self will be challenged. This is not a time to fear, but rather, a period that calls for a revision of your concept of self, motivation, physical body, and self-image. You will be consistently supported, as this is your season. Around the new moon solar eclipse on April 8, look for illumination on where you can be more dedicated to your own potential. Insights will be especially potent on April 11, when Mercury joins with the sun exactly.
Your themes for this month will center around how you might hinder your own instincts. Aries is an active sign that takes independent action, but with so much activation in your house of isolation, there will be a theme of feeling silenced or unheard. When the healing asteroid Chiron meets the sun on April 8, it will become clear on where you’ve been held back. The new moon solar eclipse in Aries is also this day, so look for fresh opportunities that will expedite your growth. The goal for an Aries twelfth house is to balance their empathy with healthy self-motivation.
The first three weeks of the month will center around how you socialize. You will notice some delays with your networks as Mercury Retrograde is in your house of communities, but around the eclipse on April 8, this might manifest as new opportunities for leadership. Whether you are given a new title or must take command of your friends, use your natural ability to synthesize knowledge to your advantage.
The tenth house is the highest point in the zodiac wheel and represents where we have the most influence. This month, this sector is highlighted for you with the sun, Mercury Retrograde, and a new moon solar eclipse all in Aries and all in your tenth house of reputation. You will be asked to go back to the drawing board and refine how you go about achieving your aspirations. It may feel like you know where you want to go, but don’t have the instructions on how to get there. Let the new moon solar eclipse on April 8 illuminate paths you haven’t dared to consider. Be inspired, but hold off on any big declarations until Mercury is out of retrograde on April 25.
This month, you are either questioning everything or holding on a little too tightly to what you believe. The first three-weeks of the month, when Mercury is retrograde, a review is in order of what you hold as true. It is important to understand your values, as beliefs inform actions, but give yourself the freedom to think independently. When the healing asteroid Chiron joins the sun on April 8, be open to a fresh understanding that will connect you more to the core of who you are. On the same day is the new moon solar eclipse, meaning it is a potent time for writing and learning about your own intricacies. When Mercury leaves retrograde on April 25, take the space to reflect on your findings.
The three-week period when Mercury Retrograde is in your 8th house of investments at the beginning of the month will ask you to take a deeper look at your financial health. You might need to rethink impulse spending. On April 8, the new moon solar eclipse will highlight new financial ventures that might be worth the risk. Follow your instincts.
This Mercury retrograde will ask you to pay attention to the type of energy you are attracting. The best way to judge this is by reflecting on the people you surround yourself with. Do their goals align with yours? On April 10th, passionate Mars and Saturn the restrictor might cause blockages in physical results. Another way this could manifest is tension with coworkers or superiors. Don’t say yes to others’ burdens if you don’t have the bandwidth for them.
When Mercury Retrograde is in your sixth house of health, you may find yourself opting to take the stairs instead of the escalator. Even the tiniest adjustments to your daily routines can cause a boost in vitality. Another way this could manifest could be a need to revise your communications with coworkers. Don’t be afraid to take charge and communicate your ideas with confidence.
This month, Pisces energy in your fourth house of home asks you to be the bigger person with your family. You may face conflict, but remember to keep your cool. This will get easier as the month goes on. Aries energy will remind you to invite more joy into your life. Around the new moon solar eclipse on April 8th, you might be entering into a new romance or creative pursuit that will be passionate.
When Mercury Retrograde is in your fourth house of family this month, you might be asked to revise your communication with those you share a home with. When the healing asteroid Chiron meets the sun on April 8, clarity and closure will bless you with those closest to you. On the same day, the new moon solar eclipse marks the beginning of a new emotional chapter. This could also be the metaphorical home, your sense of grounding.
This month’s Mercury Retrograde will affect your communication in general. There might be a project brewing in your mind that will be delayed at this time. This could be a writing venture or a fresh social media campaign. Refine your vision during this retrograde. On the new moon solar eclipse April 8, let your brain starburst the possibilities. When Mercury meets the sun on the 11th, you will get confirmation on the direction you are meant to go in. When retrograde is over on the 25th, take confident action.
This Aries season is the perfect time to get your budget in order. When funds run short, think of whether you have the flexibility to incorporate a new income stream. Exhaust all your options. When Mars the motivator meets Saturn the Restrictor on April 10, there might be delays in physical results you are trying to achieve. This tension will be alleviated later in the month when Mars meets Neptune the muse on April 26. Open your mind and new solutions will seem to come out of thin air.