On January 20th, 2017, Donald J. Trump became president of the U.S. On the same weekend, many protests started around the world in response to the new administration. Now, people in the U.S. need to be seen and heard.
However, some do not consider attending demonstrations a reality. There are a number of reasons for this – fear of arrest, time management, disability, etc. A lot of people are wondering, “How do I resist?” If you are able to show up and speak out, then you should definitely feel comfortable doing so. For those that can’t “show up” don’t fret! There are still ways to protest and stand up for what you believe in.
Put your money where your mouth is – Don’t support businesses that are tied up in political agendas that do not align with your own! A little research on Google, or even mobile apps like Buycott, where you can scan products and find information on the company that made it and their political history, or BoycottTrump, which shows companies that are owned by or in business with President Trump. Feeling charitable? Donate money to grassroots organizations or somewhere that is currently fighting for human rights. Still feeling hopeless? Sign up for a service like MyCivicWorkout (www.mycivicworkout.com) to get one email every day that will encourage you to do something good for the world.
Stay informed – Make sure you are using verified sources for your information. Use non-profit news on the web like Ballotpedia (www.ballotpedia.org), Pro Publica (www.propublica.org), or Politifact (www.politifact.org). Staying informed will help keep you on your toes when it comes to resisting the administration, but also be mindful not to overwhelm yourself. It’s okay to take a break if your mental health is at stake.
Make change happen – Call in people who oppose your ideas by following the “ethos, logos, pathos” method. Explain what is wrong, make logical sense of your argument, and use a call to emotion to put your opposition in the shoes of the oppressed. These conversations can get tricky, so do keep your safety in mind first. Stay informed about upcoming votes! It’s not just the presidential election that matters. Use Megavote (www.congress.org/congressorg/megavote/) to find out what your representatives are about to vote on. Don’t know who your congressperson is? Use Call My Congress (www.callmycongress.com) to find out who your representatives are and what they’re voting for or against. Use information from both of these websites to call or write to your representative. Feeling anxious about having to call a representative? Use the internet to find a script and follow it as best you can.
America in its current state may seem overwhelming, but we, the people, are the only ones who can do something about it. The first step you must take is becoming informed, and knowing what your options are. Use this information to guide you through the next 4 years, and don’t forget about what your representatives have and haven’t done on November 18th, 2018, when all seats in Congress are up for re-election.