President Donald Trump has promised since the beginning of his term to get things done quickly for this country, but has he kept all of his promises?
Trump stated in a “60 Minutes” interview with CBS about his capability to make the health system for the American people “much better and much less expensive.” However, the sum of uninsured Americans has increased during his presidency, according to statistics released in September by the Census Bureau. Nearly 30 million people were in need of health insurance in 2019 at some point. That is approximately 1 million more Americans compared to 2018.
Trump may have undermined the health care law from former President Barack Obama’s time, but Trump has yet to establish a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act throughout his term. Prior to the final presidential election results, former Senator Al Franken made a comical comment of a flaw if Joe Biden wins; “We may never see Trump’s health care plan,” according to MSNBC.
One of the biggest promises made in his 2016 campaign was to build a wall along the southwestern border to control the level of immigrants who enter the United States. His pledge was to develop a 1,000 miles barrier, and have Mexico pay for the entire cost. Around 380 miles of the wall has been assembled, and is set to complete its 400 miles mark soon However, instead of Mexico paying for the production of the wall like Trump promised, it has been payed for by the tax-paying American people according to The New York Times.
Trump’s pledge to restore the use of coal was not completed, nor was it ultimately a beneficial proposal for the U.S. Instead of aiming to use cleaner energy methods that would produce more electricity than coal, he chose to deny the reality of climate change, according to CNN.
As the President of the United States, it’s vital to protect this country and its American people. The way Trump handled the Covid-19 pandemic has left millions unemployed and more than 220,000 of covid-19 related deaths in the U.S. Even after experiencing his own hospitalization for the Coronavirus, Trump stated at the White House on October 10 that “It’s going to disappear. It is disappearing,” according to CNN. Even as another surge of cases is occurring in the United States, he continues to make inaccurate proclamations.
Trump’s promise of bringing more manufacturing jobs and keeping factories from being terminated or moved overseas has disappointed many workers, especially within the state of Wisconsin. A $10 billion agreement was announced in 2017 with electronics industry Foxconn, to develop a large plant out of Milwaukee that would open 13,000 jobs has backfired. Only 281 people have been hired and other plants have closed. “I don’t think he’s fulfilled it all. There have been plant closings: Telsmith, Briggs & Stratton, all the steelworks are closing or have been diminished. He brought in this Foxconn deal and made a big deal out of it, and it’s sitting empty,” said Chis Chappelle, who is a welder at Komatsu plant in Milwaukee and president of the districts division of United Steelworkers, according to NBC.