Lifestyle / Opinion

A Self-Care Guide for Students During a Pandemic

The transition to remote learning has been a difficult transition for students.  From the Zoom to the stress of virtual learning, students have struggled losing their jobs or be worried about their safety causing them to leave a job.  Here are 5 tips to help those who are feeling the stress of the pandemic.

  1. Take Care Of Your Body

During this time, it is easy to fall into the trap of eating unhealthy, not exercising, and losing sleep. It is important that you not only keep your body healthy, but your mind healthy as well. You can stay active without having to go to a gym or a park.  There are many home exercises an individual can do to maintain good body health.

  1. It’s Social Distancing Not Social Isolation

Social distancing does not mean you have to socially isolate from everyone. In our world today, technology is one of the main sources for socialization. Pick up the phone and talk to someone, whether that be a friend, family member, or even a coworker. Make it routine to contact someone during these times.  If you don’t like regular calls, with technology, you can video chat through many different apps such as FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, and the list goes on. Seeing someone’s face can lighten up your day.

  1. Go Outside

If possible, step outside to get a breath of fresh air. I know it can be stressful being cooped up inside all day. Fresh air has always been a way to get a sense of relief.  If you can go outside, while socially distancing, take an hour out of your day to get your mind right.

  1. Try Meditation

According to scientists, meditation not only has mental benefits, but it also has physical benefits. Meditation helps decrease blood pressure while lowering levels of anxiety.  There. Are many online forms of mediation through different platforms that could help you get started today!

  1. It is OKAY to Cry

When emotions are building up, stress and anxiety are overweighing you, just know that it is not only good to cry, but it is healthy as well. Crying is a natural way to release stress. If you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions, it is okay to let them out.

As we know, the world is going through some very unexpected changes that many did not see coming. Students in this generation are learning to adjust to the new “norm.” Many people are feeling the stress of the new “norm” which is why this guide was created. For those who feel stressed, unhappy, unhealthy, or just want some guidance during these times, this guide is for you.
