In October, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of the Facebook firm, announced the need to change Facebook’s name to Meta. This comes after whistle-blower Francis Haugen, and the leaking of thousands of internal documents. Zuckerberg reported that the firm was changing its corporate identity, in which he stated that the company’s namesake service was not overarching the brand, according to CNN. Meta is considered a 3D online virtual space that different firms are interested in establishing for their future internet version.
Rumors indicate that rebranding may be part of attempting to regain Facebook’s reputation and change the page due to a sequence of PR nightmares, such as misinformation within to improve users’ mental health. The name change was announced during Facebook Connect, “a virtual reality and augmented reality conference,” according to CNN. This change goes hand-in-hand with the companies growing interest in the “metaverse,” which is “the name for a shared online 3D virtual space that a number of companies are interested in creating as a sort of future version of the internet,” according to newscientist.com.
The CEO reported that he had spent a significant part of his time since Facebook is among the primarily utilized products within the world’s history. Facebook is also an iconic brand for social media though, it did not encompass the entire purpose of the firm. Zuckerberg argued that people currently view the Facebook Company as a social media firm while, in essence, its staff believed that it was a firm that created technology to link people across the world. Metaverse is to be the next frontier, bearing in mind that it resembles social networking.
Zuckerberg also claimed that the name “Meta” originated from his love of studying classics. He claimed to have gotten the name “Meta” from Greek terminology, which inspired him as it meant “beyond,” which symbolizes that the firm had more opportunities and time for building more features and connecting. There was no announcement of new executives, however on his personal Facebook page, Zuckerberg’s job identity and the title seemed to have changed to “Founder and CEO at Meta.” He claims that the change of name was due to their focus on the Facebook Company’s future. The firm will be learning from past mistakes while moving forward.
Through the CEO, the Facebook firm portrayed various concepts of videos that indicated its vision for meta-verse. These videos included “sending a holographic image of yourself to a concert with a friend attending in real life, sitting around virtual meeting tables with remote colleagues or playing immersive games with friends.” The concept of building up the concept videos is expected to lead to the Facebook Company hiring more than 10,000 individuals in Europe, according to CNN.
Zuckerberg also admitted that Messenger calling was coming to VR, with plans of operating a virtual marketplace in which developers could sell virtual products and a unique home screen within Oculus Quest to create games and chat within the virtual world. However, Zuckerberg confirmed that Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp were still going to maintain their names with the prominent firm that produces them shifting to Meta.