About the Author: Caitlin Duffy is a New York based astrologer who brings over a decade of study to your horoscope. She has studied numerous charts, celestial movements, and has worked as an astrology expert. After a thorough analysis of current luminaries, she writes an entertainment column where the star is you.
At the beginning of the month, your themes are more about the hidden side of life. You will probably have moments that make you question your intentions. Get acquainted with your subconscious, as hidden wells of creativity and healing are just waiting for your attention. Explore your own psychology in the quiet moments between breaths. The more you contemplate the not-so-obvious, the more prepared you will be for the middle of the month when the sun shifts into your sign in your first house of self. Then is the time to share your initial inner findings about self with a trusted friend, therapist, or journal.
You might feel a fire in your belly at the beginning of this month when Uranus, the rebel, is in your first house and makes a harsh aspect to Mars, the warrior. With a lot of activation in your eleventh house of community, you might see this conflict with friends, but the new moon here will alleviate some of the tension. Whether you’re seeking a new community because it’s time to move on or there is a new beginning that was birthed from the ashes of conflict, the key here is perspective. Take a beat as your peace is well worth it.
This month asks you to put yourself out there. Transits in dreamy Pisces in your tenth house of reputation ask you to develop your vision of what type of legacy you would like to be known for. When glamorous Venus enters the scene, you will have the social grace to charm your way into any network you want to establish. When the sun shifts into Aries at the end of the month into your eleventh house of community, the theme of ‘the-company-you keep’ will continue. What do you imagine others saying about you before you walk into a room?
You will be stimulated at the beginning of the month to expand your knowledge. An intellectual project will begin to form around the new moon in your ninth house of higher education. This house also represents travel, so challenge yourself to mentally explore uncharted terrain. When the moon reaches the turning point of its cycle on the lunar eclipse, the end of the month will bring a culmination of a domestic matter that might be brought on by a chapter change in the realm of career.
Now is a time to think rationally about your relationships. Uranus, the rebel, and Mars, the warrior, aspect each other in a harsh way. With these energies, a more personal dispute with a partner might be broadcast. An alternative could be tension with an employer. Any conflict you find yourself in requires you to think it through and weigh it out. Is the satisfaction of rebellion at the hand of impulse worth the casualties?
With the sun, a new moon, and the planet of connection in your 7th house of partnership, this month you will be asked to dare to ask for more. When Venus is in mystical Pisces, it is considered the astrological term “exalted.” This means the characteristics of a planet work very well in the flavor of the zodiac sign. Now is a blessed time for you to seek connections that support your authentic self. When your vibration is true, you can attract people that you’re genuinely compatible with or swim a little deeper in your relationships.
As the sun shifts from Pisces into Aries, your seventh house of partnerships will be lit up. As Mercury, the planet of communication, joins the sun, you will be taking charge of your relationships by developing more thoughtful conversations. Any tension may be flattened as Mercury might offer mental clarity to navigate through your possible problems constructively. At the end of the month, a full moon lunar eclipse in your sign offers a chance to balance your relations even more.
When Mars, the warrior, makes a harsh aspect to Uranus, the rebel, in your axis of family and partnership, tensions are raised in your interpersonal relationships. Changes in your partnerships create disruptions in your domestic matters. Avoid wearing yourself too thin and assert firm boundaries. At the end of the month, a full moon lunar eclipse in your twelfth house of rest is going to require you to have some much-deserved alone time. Feel all the moods of the ocean.
This month, when Mars, the warrior, is in your third house of communication, you are motivated in your conversations. A call to action on a social movement or new trend could be catching your attention on social media. Let your passions out, but as this astrological position is in a harsh aspect with the disruptive planet Uranus, you are encouraged to check your grammar and intentions twice. Remember that tension applied with the right amount of pressure can create a diamond.
Your thoughts around the new moon this month could be preoccupied by a writing project, social media campaign, or any form of sharing your ideas as your third house of communication is highlighted. With sensual Venus in this harmonious aspect, the stars reassure you it’s time to put your thoughts out there. Venus is “exalted,” a term meaning the planetary position is blessed. The sun is also here and should give you the courage to express yourself, but if you need a little reassurance, the time is now. Allow this time to change your ideas about what you can do.
Mars the motivator will be sitting in your first house of appearance this month. The tension this planetary position makes to the disrupter Uranus will bring insight as to new ways you can decorate yourself. Inspiration will come from your most sacred spaces. Many aspects are in your second house of finance. Now is a blessed time to make investments, but remember the biggest investment is in yourself.
The first house of self is the way we gel with the world around us. It is the first impression we make and can influence how we style ourselves. Three major transits here will be a blessing to you this month. The sun will give you the courage to pursue your most authentic expression. Venus will make you magnetic, attracting your desires. Lastly, a new moon will emphasize the relationship you have with the most personal part of you. Shine on!