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When Worlds Collide: The COVID Crisis at home

When Worlds Collide: The COVID Crisis at home

At the height of the pandemic many of us were left afraid and dismayed by uncertainty, though the one the thing that kept us grateful and hopeful were our families; but what happens when worlds collide and too much time together causes another crisis to brew? Families across the world […]

Lifestyle / Opinion

Traveling in a Pandemic

Traveling during Covid-19 may seem like a daunting task for some, but for others, the experience and adventure is well worth the momentary anxiety and flack from family. Those who have chosen to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic have been met with reluctance as well as opportunity. Due to the […]


Why are Some Millennials Apprehensive About Voting?

During the 2016, many millennials who were qualified to vote failed to exercise their right to do so, leaving many to question this year’s election. We wonder if our vote truly matters. While some millennials are aware and educated about the subject matter, others seem reluctant to care due to the […]

The Church and COVID 19

The Church and COVID 19

In previous months,we have seen churches around the country eager to open or reluctant to take the chance due to the pandemic. Despite this massive bump in the road, places of worship have reimagined the way we fellowship. At the start of the coronavirus, all places that were unable to […]



The movie Antebellum made its nationwide debut on September 18, 2020. The modern day twist on the civil war leaves even the most experienced horror mystery watcher unsuspecting in this new release by directors Gerard Bush and Christopher Renz. The title of the film sets the stage for what’s to […]

Modern Day Flower Child

Modern Day Flower Child

Channon Smith, a modern day ‘flower child’ who exudes artistic expression, from her shaved boldly colored hair and unique wardrobe, her statement is presented without one word spoken.  This bold lease on life has given her an unconventional road to success. Smith is a 25 year old artist that has […]


Virtual Learning and The College Experience

Much of the focus has been on the shift of K-12 and their sudden transition to virtual learning, but college students who are used to a traditional class setting are finding it difficult to keep up with tasks and have a true college experience. College students across America have had […]


Covid Closet

Covid-19 has challenged the way we see fashion. It has allowed for some to create individual work from home styles by recycling  their staple pieces and refrain from excessive spending. Some have swapped their suits and dress attire for sweat pants and t-shirts while others have aimed for something comfortable […]


Verzuz Battle: Patti LaBelle & Gladys Knight

Verzuz has reimagined the way we see music and artistry. The online platform has allowed various singers and songwriters like Patti LaBelle and Gladys Knight to reminisce and perform their hits throughout the decades. The night started off with a Dj keeping the virtual crowd entertained, from classics to present […]


Digitally Tapped Out

For the last six months we have been inundated with technology more than ever before, leaving many of us digitally fatigued and overloaded by media. If you’re anything like me, the coronavirus has left you overwhelmed and digitally tapped out. Being attached to your device before the pandemic had a […]