Art / Poem
The Birth Of Venus by Botticelli God is a woman Deadly nightshade The earth and the sea The end all be all Mother Gaia Women are the storm Athena taught us wisdom and independence To stand strong on our own Artemis taught us to be just as good If not better […]
by Ivatkin × on April 11, 2020 at 2:20 pm ×
First, it was easy, it was fun and light Like a random vacation awarded overnight. Now twelve days have passed and I’m getting quite antsy The farthest I go is a walk to the pantry. All I do is eat, sleep, and video chat, the occasional workout on my yoga […]
by Ivatkin × on April 11, 2020 at 2:16 pm ×
Time slowed for a moment or two or even one thousand. We rested, and it was good. We shushed the noises, and soothed the tensions, massaged our brains and marinated intentions. We watched for a moment or two or even one thousand. We saw, and it was good. The […]
by Ivatkin × on April 11, 2020 at 2:11 pm ×
What is helping you feel “normal”? What are the non-negotiables in your daily routine? Patterns show up in our lives in many ways. Some of them are subconscious and habitual, like washing our bodies the same way each time we shower. Others are very active choices we make, like […]
Art / Poem
don’t ever tell me I’m not beautiful don’t tell me I’m not the Shining sun Breathing existence To the seedling products of this blue sphere don’t tell me I don’t encompass All aesthetics And All bliss That I’m not that flower Not that tree That I’m not THE blue skies […]