
Campus News / feature1

A Message from President Butts

To the SUNY Old Westbury Community: I am writing to you today, my last day actively leading SUNY Old Westbury as president.  As was previously announced, I am retiring from the day-to-day responsibilities as president and beginning a 10-month Presidential Study Leave. As I step away, I am proud to […]

Campus News / feature1 / feature2 / Media / News

Graphic News: How Sensational Images Transformed Nineteenth-Century Journalism

Pictures, profits, and peril in the yellow journalism era “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war.” This famous but apocryphal quote, long attributed to newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, encapsulates fears of the lengths to which news companies would go to exploit visual journalism in the late nineteenth […]

Imagining the Mulatta:Blackness in the US and Brazilian Media
Campus News / feature1 / feature2 / feature3 / Media

Imagining the Mulatta:Blackness in the US and Brazilian Media

  Mixed-race women and popular culture in Brazil and the United States Brazil markets itself as a racially mixed utopia. The United States prefers the term melting pot.Both nations have long used the image of the mulatta to push skewed cultural narratives. Highlighting the prevalence of mixed-race women of African […]

feature1 / Media

Special Interview: Noam Chomsky on COVID-19 and its Impact

OWTV Intern Julie Goldsmith recently interviewed world-known linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky on COVID-19 and its impact.

Business / feature1 / News / Technology

Social Media Platforms Update Their Software to Promote Social Distancing and Fact-Checking Information

Instagram and Facebook are updating their platforms to promote social distancing during COVID-19 to promote governmental enforced social distancing regulations. Instagram has teamed up with its parent company Facebook, to create an additional option in viewing social media. Users are capable of sharing their likes and favorited photos, videos, and […]

Campus / feature1 / News

Micro-Credentials Arrive at SUNY OW

Micro-credentials are now available at SUNY Old Westbury and are available for non-degree students. Micro-credentials are a digital form of certification that indicates competency in a specific skill or set of skills, according to the National Education Association (NEA). To earn micro-credentials, educators identify competencies they want mastered and students […]

Campus / feature1 / News

2019 President’s Annual Fall Convocation

President Calvin O. Butts III welcomed the new student body of incoming freshmen to SUNY Old Westbury during his fall convocation on September 4th. Speaking at the Clark Athletic Center, Dr. Butts III started off his speech addressing the mold problems taking place at the residence halls, much to the surprise of many students. “Let me […]

Campus News / feature1 / News

Nicole Paultre Bell-Earle

Nicole Paultre Bell-Earle, a social justice activist and former fianceé of Sean Bell paid a visit to SUNY Old Westbury to talk to students about her life after Sean’s death and the road to fight for justice in celebration of Black History Month. The Discussion was sponsored by the Black […]

feature1 / Opinion

Let’s Talk Money This Holiday Season

The holiday season is approaching, and phone applications like Afterpay and Acorns are here to make your life easier. Afterpay helps save you from the headache of trying to afford a holiday gift for your loved ones this season, while Acorns helps millennials save and invest their money. It’s easy […]

How Smart Are the Smart Classrooms?
Campus News / feature1 / News / Technology

How Smart Are the Smart Classrooms?

DVD players in many classrooms are either missing or broken due to ongoing technology problems at SUNY Old Westbury. Broken players in the New Academic Building (NAB) and in room F114 of the Campus Center often require faculty members who want to show a DVD to surrender a driver’s license […]