feature2 / feature3 / Local / News
by Nervi × on September 10, 2020 at 7:06 pm ×
There has been an influx of Black Lives Matter protests within many Long Island towns in the previous months. In late June, thousands participated in a massive #BLM protests that stretched for miles through neighborhoods in Merrick, New York. Many towns have been showing their support through other ways as […]
Campus News / feature3
Wayne Edwards, a Media and Communications professor who recently assumed the position of American Studies chair, has had his share of life journeys that landed him where he is today. Born in the Melrose Projects in South Bronx, he referred to himself as the creative, risk taking middle child of […]
Campus News / feature1 / feature2 / feature3 / Media
Mixed-race women and popular culture in Brazil and the United States Brazil markets itself as a racially mixed utopia. The United States prefers the term melting pot.Both nations have long used the image of the mulatta to push skewed cultural narratives. Highlighting the prevalence of mixed-race women of African […]
feature2 / feature3 / Opinion
by Jspinell × on May 16, 2020 at 8:28 pm ×
Florida Gov. Ron Desantis has received mixed views for the reopening of his state to the public. Some see his actions as too premature, putting thousands of lives at risk, while others believe he is taking the appropriate measures at returning his state back to normalcy. Last weekend, Gov. Desantis distributed a statewide notice that he would […]
feature3 / Media / Opinion
by BKnibbs × on May 14, 2020 at 7:22 pm ×
As a young aspiring black female journalist, I know that I have to work hard to make it into the competitive media industry. Majoring in Media and Communication and having an extensive media background so far, I have faith and belief that I will definitely thrive in my journalism […]
feature3 / Opinion
by Ivatkin × on May 12, 2020 at 8:40 pm ×
Being confined indoors has dangerously increased already-established cases of household abuse. The familiar feeling that the end is near is only temporary to those subjected to or dealing with such abuse at home. Due to what seems like the never-ending episode of quarantine, many news sources such as the New […]
feature3 / Opinion
by Jspinell × on April 11, 2020 at 3:09 pm ×
As COVID-19 began to spread at an alarming rate, my mother thought it would be best for my siblings and me to fly down to stay with my father for the time being. He lives in St. Augustine, Florida and there are far fewer confirmed cases there then there are […]
Campus / feature3 / News
PROVOST O’SULLIVAN RETIRES; NEW ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS ANNOUNCED Dr. Calvin O. Butts III will be staying on as president until the search committee can find a new president to step in after him. The semester also saw the retirements of two prominent administrators and a number of promotions. Dr. Patrick […]
Campus / feature3 / News
by BRamanan × on November 17, 2019 at 1:30 pm ×
If there is one thing students at SUNY Old Westbury share, it’s their Panther Pride. However, students have quickly noticed that the panther mascot has been missing this semester. Early reports of the missing mascot came after the SUNY OW homecoming 2019 shirt distribution. The panther did not appear […]
feature3 / International / Media / News
Media News from China, Brazil, Russia, Nicaragua, and Somalia: Why Is China Flirting with African Media? Brazilian Mayor Bans Gay Images from Rio Book Fair. Russia’s Gay Propaganda Law Is Affecting Gaming and Music Industry. Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega: Former Freedom Fighter Becomes a Media Censor Female Journalists in Somalia […]