by Thubbard × on October 1, 2020 at 8:11 pm ×
Many fashion trends we’ve seen in the early 2000s are making a comeback now in the year 2020. Is it just another phase or is it here to stay? There have been several iconic clothing styles throughout the decades. Many fashion statements have become trends. The early 2000s was a […]
by CSmith × on September 24, 2020 at 6:55 pm ×
Covid-19 has challenged the way we see fashion. It has allowed for some to create individual work from home styles by recycling their staple pieces and refrain from excessive spending. Some have swapped their suits and dress attire for sweat pants and t-shirts while others have aimed for something comfortable […]
by YAbdel × on September 17, 2020 at 2:06 am ×
One would assume that the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown would have put the fashion retailers out of business since shoppers often enjoy the experiences of seeing clothes in person. However, this has not been the case in recent months. In today’s virtual world, fashion retailers have been able to […]
by KKova × on September 13, 2020 at 9:16 pm ×
Facial bumper stickers, a rhinestone-encrusted accessory, political stances. These are what the mandatory face masks have become. Beginning as a perceived interference, face masks have evolved into “fashion face covers,” and statement pieces ranging from political to fashionable. This, however, poses a new question: Is the fashionable choice actually protecting […]
by JGriffo × on May 19, 2020 at 9:34 pm ×
For those that know me well, I love sports. I use them as an escape from distractions ranging from tough life situations and, ironically, schoolwork. It’s bizarre to not hear myself talking about sabermetric statistics during baseball season, who should be the starting quarterback for an NFL team or if […]
by JGriffo × on May 19, 2020 at 9:33 pm ×
A couple of weeks ago, I was scrolling through my Twitter feed to see a video of somebody in New York City recording a video of the Blue Angels flying over the city as a salute to healthcare workers. I showed my mom the video and she said “this means […]
by AAllwood × on May 12, 2020 at 12:13 am ×
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, America is currently in a state of quarantine. Citizens are mandated to stay six feet away from each other and wear gloves and masks when leaving their homes. When it comes to the required protective attire of face mask and gloves not only did people […]
feature3 / Opinion
by Jspinell × on April 11, 2020 at 3:09 pm ×
As COVID-19 began to spread at an alarming rate, my mother thought it would be best for my siblings and me to fly down to stay with my father for the time being. He lives in St. Augustine, Florida and there are far fewer confirmed cases there then there are […]
feature2 / Opinion
by Ldimatte × on April 10, 2020 at 2:11 pm ×
Amid the panic of COVID-19, millions of Americans have filed for unemployment as government regulations continue to pressure the nation to stay at home. Excluded from these people are the “essential workers” such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, first responders, etc., and a commonly forgotten but essential: sanitation workers. “People don’t […]
Lifestyle / Opinion
In a single day, more than 200 million animals are killed for the meat products that the greater part of the population enjoys in their diets, according to In one year, over 72 billion animals in the United States die to satisfy the desire to eat meat. According to […]