
Campus / feature1 / News

2019 President’s Annual Fall Convocation

President Calvin O. Butts III welcomed the new student body of incoming freshmen to SUNY Old Westbury during his fall convocation on September 4th. Speaking at the Clark Athletic Center, Dr. Butts III started off his speech addressing the mold problems taking place at the residence halls, much to the surprise of many students. “Let me […]

Will the IT Problems Ever be Solved?
Campus / News

Will the IT Problems Ever be Solved?

  Technology problems continue to plague the campus. Students and teachers complain that DVD players are either missing or broken in the New Academic Building (NAB), streaming is hit or miss, laptops can’t be connected to projectors in the library, and much of the equipment is outdated. Last November, the Faculty Senate passed a resolution calling for IT […]

Campus / Campus News

5th Annual Media Talks

During his years at SUNY OW, Ed Easton knew that he always want to pursue a career in the media. Although Easton had written for The Catalyst and was a program director at OWWR, he wasn’t sure on whether he was doing the right thing that would lead to his […]

Campus / Campus News / feature3

Saving the Garden

SUNY Old Westbury’s Honors College students volunteered at St. John Cantius Parish Garden in East New York on March 23rd. The annual spring trip was coordinated by Honors College Director, Dr. Anthony DeLuca. Under the division of NYC Green Thumb, the goal for the students volunteering is to help senior […]

Campus / Campus News

SGA Election Winners

After weeks of candidates promoting their flyers on social media and attending Student Government Association meetings, students finally made their decisions and voted for SGA candidates at the polls. The positions in the ballots were president, vice president of clubs and organizations, academic senators, and campus life senators. The candidates […]

Campus / Campus News

Sessions of H.O.P.E.’s Second Annual Career Expo

Sessions of H.O.P.E. Inc held their Second Annual Career Expo on April 24th in room 1100 of the New Academic Building. The Career Expo was in partnership with Inspirational Church of God in Christ Jesus, Inc. and The Office of International Enrollment Services. The careers that were present at the […]

Campus / Media

2019 MAC Award Poster Finalists!

Here are the six finalists of the 2019 MAC Awards poster competition. Which one is your favorite? #OWMAC

Campus / Media

10 Years of OWTV

“…reporting from OWTV”. This closing line has been synonymous with aspiring SUNY Old Westbury journalists for the past decade. Come join us in commemorating some of the finest journalists OWTV has had over its ten year run! Thank you to all the staff, teachers and students who make OWTV a […]

Campus / feature2 / Media

Old Westbury Highlights: Prof. Llana Barber

Listen to Llana Barber talk about teaching, her research interests, and her recent book awards in this short “Old Westbury Highlights” video from the MIC: the Media Innovation Center. American Studies professor Llana Barber’s book, Latino City, is the winner of the 2017 Kenneth Jackson Award for Best Book in […]

Campus / Local

Governor Cuomo Comes to SUNY Old Westbury

Governor Andrew Cuomo told an audience at SUNY Old Westbury that he plans to urge the state legislature to pass a permanent property tax cap for the middle class. It is currently set to expire in 2020. Speaking on February 28th, the governor also criticized President Trump’s tax bill that placed a $10,000 limit on federal deductions for […]