
How to Remain Focused on Your Goals?
Lifestyle / Opinion

How to Remain Focused on Your Goals?

This year might’ve been one of the toughest years many of us had gone through in our lives, and 2020 still isn’t over yet. With the intention of setting goals for ourselves, whether it was at the beginning of the year, during the COVID-19 lockdown, or just at random, working […]

National / Opinion

Last Presidential Debate Finally Feels like a Real Debate: But Is It Too Late?

The new system of muting microphones during different sections of the debate in Nashville on Thursday proved to be a better system, making the speakers President Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden more cohesive and getting their arguments across  to viewers. The first few minutes of the presidential debates […]

The Unnecessary Large Gatherings of Orthodox Jews are Only Making it Worse During This Pandemic

The Unnecessary Large Gatherings of Orthodox Jews are Only Making it Worse During This Pandemic

Last Tuesday, Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered schools and unnecessary businesses in different parts of Brooklyn and Queens to shut down because a potential second wave of coronavirus was linked to the Orthodox Jew community. Throughout the summer, Orthodox Jews living in New York City, especially in Brooklyn, have been continuing […]

New York to New Hampshire During Covid

New York to New Hampshire During Covid

Leaving New York, which one of the first United States coronavirus hotspots with 486,000 total cases and 23,944 deaths, to drive to New Hampshire to stay for a weekend to see the change of seasons was soothing. Being in New Hampshire with its lower amount of cases lessened the paranoia […]

Remembering a Leader: Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Remembering a Leader: Ruth Bader Ginsberg

On September 10th, 2020 Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away at the age of 87. She was known for her activism and fight for equality ever since she first joined the US Court Appeals for the District of Columbia. She was appointed in 1980 by […]

Amazon Releases Palm Scanning Technology
Business / Opinion / Technology

Amazon Releases Palm Scanning Technology

New technology produced by Amazon was recently presented at two Amazon Go stores. The system is referred to as Amazon One, and enables shoppers to pay with the palm of their hand. A customer’s shopping experience is said to be better, quicker, and safer during this time of uncertainty due […]

An Emergence of Pronouns in Bios: What Does it Mean for the LGBTQ+ Community And Should You Participate?

An Emergence of Pronouns in Bios: What Does it Mean for the LGBTQ+ Community And Should You Participate?

Looking at your friends, families, and others biographies on Instagram, Twitter, or other social media platforms,you may notice people including their preferred gender pronouns, even if they are cisgender, or those who’s assigned gender they’ve kept. You may be confused seeing your cisgender female acquaintance putting “she/her” in her bio, […]

American Murder: The Family Next Door

American Murder: The Family Next Door

*This article contains spoilers for American Murder: The Family Next Door. Read at your own discretion.*  The new Netflix documentary film, American Murder: The Family Next Door, tells the story of the chilling and unsuspecting crimes of Chris Watts. Watts committed the murders of his pregnant wife Shannan and their […]

Lifestyle / Opinion

Traveling in a Pandemic

Traveling during Covid-19 may seem like a daunting task for some, but for others, the experience and adventure is well worth the momentary anxiety and flack from family. Those who have chosen to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic have been met with reluctance as well as opportunity. Due to the […]


Why are Some Millennials Apprehensive About Voting?

During the 2016, many millennials who were qualified to vote failed to exercise their right to do so, leaving many to question this year’s election. We wonder if our vote truly matters. While some millennials are aware and educated about the subject matter, others seem reluctant to care due to the […]